Meet the Teams
Over 300 teams from 32 countries have submitted innovative food system designs since 2021. 28 teams were awarded in Phase 1, and several new teams qualified to join Phase 2.
8 teams from 4 countries remain in Phase 3.
Visit Impact Canada to learn about participating Canadian teams.
Meet the Phase 3 Challengers.
Enigma of the Cosmos
Melbourne, Australia
Growth Systems. Leafy & Microgreen Food production system with an adaptive growing platform using telescopic grow channel system to support plants natural growth cycle, increasing efficiency of the growing space by adjusting the grow area according to the plants needs and in return increasing the efficiency by a minimum of 40%.
Interstellar Lab
Cape Canaveral, Florida
Growth Systems. NUCLEUS is a modular bioregenerative system that produces fresh microgreens, vegetables, mushrooms, and insects to provide micronutrients for long-term space missions. It combines several autonomous phytotrons to create a self-sustaining food production system that minimizes water, air, and nutrient inputs.
Kernel Deltech
Cape Canaveral, Florida
Growth Systems. The Kernel Food Production System is an autonomous device that produces an inactivated fungal biomass from well-defined starting materials. It achieves biomass production by using a continuous cultivation technique adaptable to low-gravitational conditions where the culture variables are tightly controlled to maximize biomass yield and product safety.
Gothenburg, Sweden
Bioculture / Hybrid. A highly-nutritious, complete fungal protein that feels and tastes like meat, with multifaceted space exploration potential including: A fully dry rehydratable format for easy transport; on-site low-gravity production possible through adapted bioreactors; and ability to use organic waste streams as carbon sources.
Riverside, California
Bioculture / Hybrid. An artificial photosynthetic system that is capable of producing plant- and fungal-based foods independent of biological photosynthesis.
Boulder, Colorado
Manufactured Food. SATED (Safe Appliance, Tidy, Efficient & Delicious) creates delicious browned foods derived from long-shelf-life and in-situ grown ingredients. SATED makes broadly customizable foods ranging from pizza to peach cobbler. The device is intrinsically fire and smoke safe and designed to operate in zero and low gravity environments.
Solar Foods
Lappeenranta, Finland
Manufactured Food. Single-cell protein production by means of gas fermentation.